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Controlled Environment Shipping Container Farming Systems

The Cropbox is a controlled environment agriculture system that can be used to produce leafy greens, strawberries, microgreens, mushrooms, and dozens of other crops, year-round. This revolutionary farming system is unique because it produces dense leafy greens well above standard market weight, nutrition, and quality. Within the space of a shipping container, the Cropbox is one of the world’s highest-producing agriculture systems.

Precision Growing

Cropbox offers a whole new business model for running a successful agriculture enterprise.

Cropbox hydroponic shipping container farming systems offer a unique combination of cutting-edge technology with a compact design that allows for hyper-local growing and harvesting as an efficient and sustainable solution. Not only can you drastically reduce your carbon footprint by eliminating costly travel and delivery needs, but Cropbox presents an opportunity to dramatically reduce the expense and impact of numerous farming variables.

With CROPBOX, You’ll Enjoy…

Water Icon
Less water use than conventional and greenhouse cultivation
Fertilizer Icon
Less fertilizer than conventional cultivation, plus automatic record keeping for optimization
Crop Loss Reduction Icon
Reduction in inventory loss through simplified logistics and minimized travel variables

What Makes Cropbox Vertical Farming Systems

Cropbox Container Farms Offer Complete Control Over the Entire Growing Process

Exhaust fans, heating, air conditioning, integrated pest management, CO2 generation, auto fill tanks, automatic nutrient dosage and constant air movement give you complete control.

Cropbox Systems are completely Modular and Easily Scalable

Create highly productive vertical farms by stacking the containers 5 high. Add a CropBox or remove a CropBox as demand fluctuates!

The Whole System Can Be Controlled From Your Smartphone

Manage your growing system with over 18 sensors, all controllable from your smartphone. Daily logs, charts and specific parameters enable consistent optimization of the growing process.

What Can I Grow Inside A

Leafy greens and lettuce grown in a cropbox indoor container farm.

Leafy Greens & Herbs

Grow up to 12000 pounds each year in a Crop Box. A single CropBox yields equal to 1 acre of field lettuce or 2,200 square feet of greenhouse space in 320 sq ft!

Get growing in less than a month with our herb/green/lettuce Crop Box. Grow up to 150 varieties of herbs, greens and lettuces to give you the flexibility to adjust your production based on market demand.

Strawberries grown in a cropbox indoor container farm.


Grow up to 7000 pounds each year in a CropBox. Stay tuned for our introduction of the strawberry Crop Box!

Crop Box puts state of the art precision farming within your reach. It’s a completely turn key agricultural system without worries about the weather, pests, heating prices or water.

Microgreens grown in a cropbox indoor container farm.

Microgreens & Fodder

Great for horse boarding facilities and restaurants wanting a cheaper source of Microgreens! Save on vet bills and provide them with a yearly supply of high quality barley sprouts, orchard grass, timothy or alfalfa for similar prices to grain!

Oyster mushrooms grown in a Cropbox indoor container farm.


The Cropbox mushroom cultivation unit has a fully automated climate control system within a 40’ insulated shipping container. Each Cropbox can produce thousands of pounds of mushrooms using about 3 gallons of water daily.